E750 ex-SAGA1000
The family E750 dedicated not only to measure but also to record in mass memory at different time points of data relating to active energy, inductive and capacitive reactive, demand and power factor, given the current requirements pricing in Brazil and Latin America.
E550 ex-SAGA1500
Polyphase electronic meter, multi-function, to measure current up to 200A with the possibility of using cables with a cross section of 120 mm2. The wide current rangeallows measurement without the use of current transformers, reducing the cost ofinstallation. It has features that help to identify irregularities in the installation andcombat commercial losses as well as demand management by the end customer. To measure the three elements, 4 wire. Compliance with NBRS 14519, 14520, 14522and RTM.
E650 ex-SAGA2000 - Electronic Meter of Energy
The family E650 is composed by electronic meters of electric power, developed by Landis+Gyr for application in conventional tariffs and binominal, showing in the display besides the consumption and demand, other important greatness for evaluation of the electric system, as tension, current and factor potency.
Saga 4500 - Portable Electronic Meter of Energy
The Saga 4500 Ampflex is an analyzer and electronic register of electric systems similar to the Saga 4000, however totally appropriate to the use in distribution nets uncovered (weather proof), because it uses sensor of flexible current without any metallic part, with the installation easiness in circuits with more than a cable for phase.
E22A - Single phase electronic meter
Multi-function measuring elements 1, 2 wires, with features that help to identifyirregularities in the installation, combat commercial losses, recovery of revenue of the concessionaire. Variants has provided simple, low cost, the variants that may havecommunication interfaces that enable the exchange of data remotely, therefore, animprovement in the operations of the utility and energy information to consumers.Compliance with IECs 62052-11, 62053-21, 62053-23; NBRS 14519, 14520 and RTM.
Single phase electronic meter, multi-function measuring elements 1, 3-wire, withfeatures that help to identify irregularities in the installation, combat commercial losses, recovery of revenue of the concessionaire. Variants has provided simple, low cost, thevariants that may have communication interfaces that enable the exchange of data remotely, consequently, improved the operations of the utility and energy information to consumers. Compliance with IECs 62052-11, 62053-21, 62053-23; NBRS 14519,14520 and RTM.
Single phase electronic meter, multi-function measuring elements 1, 2-wire, reduced dimensions, with features that help to identify irregularities in the installation, combatcommercial losses, recovery of revenue of the concessionaire. Variants has providedsimple, low cost, the variants that may have communication interfaces that enable the exchange of data remotely, consequently, improved the operations of the utility andenergy information to consumers. Compliance with IECs 62052-11, 62053-21, 62053-23; NBRS 14519, 14520 and RTM
Polyphase electronic meter, multi-function, with features that help to identifyirregularities in the installation, combat commercial losses, recovery of revenue of the concessionaire. With versions for application of the two measuring elements, 3fios, or 3 elements, 4 wire, the meter can count on E34A communication interfaces that enablethe exchange of data remotely, thus improving concessionaire's operations and consumer information energy . Compliance with IECs 62052-11, 62053-21, 62053-23;NBRS 14519, 14520, 14522 and RTM.
Power Capacitors
- Capacitors for Power Factor Correction
- Automatic Controlers for Factor Power
- Apacitors for Filters, No Break and Choppers
- Capacitores para Aplicação com Tiristores
- Capacitive Cells Single and Three Fases, for Power Factor Correction
E62 - Cheavy Duty AC/DC Capacitors
IGBT'S and Darlington Power Transistors
- High Power IGBT'S and Darlingtons Transistors Modules for application in Drivers for Traction and Medium Voltage
- IGBT'S and Darlingtons Transistors Modules and Power Integrated Modules (PIM) for Industrial Drivers and Power Supplies Units
- IGBT'S Transistors Modules for Fast Switching in High Frequency and Ray – X Inverter
- Power Converter Modules AC/DC and DC/DC
- Power Regulator Modules DC/DC
Thyristors and Diodes Modules
Solid State Relays
Bridges Rectifiers Modules
Thyristors Disc and Stud Types
Diodes Disc (Hockey Pac) and Stud Types
Electric Valves of Power
Integrated Circuit
Power Units of Semiconductors
SMART CAP 200 - Controlling of Factor of Power Low Tension
Economy against the account of energy; Lesser panels, (plate economy and space); Increase of the life of the capacitors; Protection of the contatoras and capacitors; Bigger precision; Monitorial tension; Great easiness to program, among others.
Technical features
- Controlling automatic of bank of capacitors
- Connection delta & she stars
- Number of drive : of 6 or 12 exits of type relays of I contact dry & passage for zero
- Manner of Operation : manual or automatic
- 1 element of measurement of current & 1 of tension
- Measures tension , current , power active , apparent & reactivated frequency, factor of power Thd of tension
- Precision 2% Entrance of tension of feed : 85 the 265Vca ( feed CC under she consults )
- Entrance of tension of measurement : 50 the 500Vca
- Entrance of current : 0,05 the Aca
- Sensoriamento of the FP : 0,7i the frequency: 50 or 60Hz; Time of Retard about to opening & closure from the drive
- Alarm 1 exit with capacity about to 10VA, 250Vca; Comsumption 10VA
- Capacity of drive of each stage : 105VA
- Tension of I work maximum of the drive: 220Vca + 10%
POWER CAP 485 Command Automatic About To Seats Of Capacitors On The Average Tension
SMART CAP 485 is a destined equipment to control the banks of capacitors automatically. It controls the factor of power in single-phase or three-phase electric installations, through the automatic commutation of capacitors. It underneath eliminates or it diminishes fines and losses power factor.
Total programmable through its keyboard of membrane or it saw net. Its liquid crystal display (LCD) makes possible to visualize the largenesses of tension, chain, factor of power, active power, apparent power, reactive power, frequency and THD of tension. Equipped with serial communication channel RS485, allowing to be on to an equipment net with protocol of communication MODBUS-RTU. Its methodology of measurement determines the real factor of power of the monitored electric net, being the same method used for the concessionaires of electric energy.
Technical features
- Controlling automatic of bank of capacitors
- Controlling of factor of power monophase (1 element of measurement ) or trifásico (2 or 3 elements of measurement )
- Connection delta or she stars
- Number of periods of training (drive): of 6 or 12 exits of the been type solid and ticket for zero
- Manner of Operation : automatic or manual
- Measures tension , current , power apparent , reactivated , active , power reactivated requires frequency, factor of power THD & harmonic odd but also 11° order about to tension , the grade point average trifásica from the greatnesses of tension , current
- Entrance of tension of feed : 90 the 270Vca ( about to feed DC consult )
- Entrance of tension from measurement : 50 the 500Vca, high impedância
- Entrance of current : 0,05 the 5A, from one side to the other TC in
- Above from the values nominal it is possible the sensoriamento via the I use of transformers of current TC’s ) or transformers of potential TP’s )
- Sensoriamento of FP : 0,5i the 0,8c
- Time of retard programmable about to opening & closure from the acionamentos.
- Frequency electric of feed & measurement : 45 the 65Hz
- Alarm 1 exit with capacity about to 105VA, 250V
- Comsumption 10VA
- Capacity of acionamento of each stage : 105VA, 250V
- Door serial RS485
- Velocidade of Communication programmable em 9600, 19200 & bits per second
- Ceremonious of communication serial Modbus RTU
POWER CAP 485 - Command Automatic About To Seats Of Capacitors On The Average Tension
POWER CAP 485 is an automatic controller of banks of capacitors, destined the correction of the line of distribution made for the concessionaires of electric energy. Being the control made for time, tension, chain or factor of power, whose band of adjustment can be increased by period in the time (time/tension, current time/). Total programmable through its keyboard of membrane or it saw net. Its liquid crystal display (LCD) makes possible to visualize the largenesses of tension, chain, factor of power, active power, apparent power, reactive power, frequency, THD and uneven harmonicas of tension until 11° order. Equipped with serial communication channel RS485, allowing to be on to an equipment net with protocol of Modbus-RTU communication. It possesss control for three periods of training (three banks of capacitors ON+OFF). It possesss internal clock to supply the advantage to work in real time.
Technical features
- Controlling automatic of bank of capacitors of average tension
- Controlling of factor of power monophase (1 element of measurement ) that permits the screening & monitoramento from a net electric trifásica equilibrada
- Number of stage acionamentos ): 3 of type relays of I contact dry
- Manner of Operation : automatic or manual
- Precision 0,5% about to tension & current
- feed 90 the 270Vca (about to feed DC consult)
- Measurement direta of tension : 50 the 500Vca, high impedância
- Measurement direta of current : 0,05 the 5A, from one side to the other TC in
- Above from the values nominal it is possible the sensoriamento via the I use of transformers of current TC’s (or transformers of potential TP’s)
- Sensoriamento of FP : 0,5i the 0,8c
- Time of retard programmable about to opening & closure from the seats of capacitors
- Blockade from modification of the adjustment em days scheduled from week
- Freqüência electric of feed & measurement : 45 the 65Hz
- Alarm 1 exit NANF +) with capacity about to 5 The , 250V
- Comsumption 10VA
- Three stage acionamentos ON & OFF with capacity about to 16 The , 250V
- Door serial RS485
- Velocidade of Communication programmable em 9600, 19200 & bits per second
- Ceremonious of communication serial Modbus RTU
- Availability alarm about to prevent the acionamento of the bank of capacitor after overtake the maximum number of swaps
SMART CONTROL D - Controlling Of Active Demand
The SMART CONTROL D prevents that the customer pays fine for the ultraticket of the maximum demand of contracted electric energy. The Smart Control D was projected to be used in the management and control of the consumption of electric energy. Acting individually in up to 7 different loads. Equipment with high precision and speed of answers. The SMART CONTROL D was developed to work directly on with any electronic measurer of tarifação installed for the concessionaires, with standard ABNT. Through the information received from the measurer, the SMART CONTROL D calculates the projected demand in the end of the period of tarifação monitored for the concessionaire. In case that the projected data indicate a ultraticket of the contracted value consequentemente and the possibility of application of fines, it it will go to act in the control exits disconnect loads necessary to keep the demand under control. All the programming of the equipment easily is made way keyboard and incorporated display to the proper eliminated equipment the complex necessity of softwares and dedicated computers for execution of this task.
Technical features
- 7 exits of drive 250VCA/CC, 1A (exit 7 can optionally be used as alarm)
- Operating temperature: 0 55°C
- Tension of feeding: 90 260VCA
- Electric frequency of feeding with: 45 the 70 Hz
- Consumption 10VA
- Al communication door RS485, MAC protocol MODBUS RTU
- Serial communication door for exit of user with protocol NBR 14522